
Thursday, September 8, 2011

What You Read Is What You Feel

I have noticed when I am mainly listening to the news of TV or reading newspapers or even searching for programs to watch on TV I get depressed. Bad news followed by bad news, with programs depicted the worst parts of human nature.

On the other hand, when I ignore the above most, and spend a lot of time reading really good books and devote myself to spiritual disciplines, and conversations that stimulate my mind, the happier I am.

I was the same when I was active in my ministry. When I focused upon the routines of what had to get done and and all the naysayers in the community I became depressed. But when I remembered what I was called to do, teach and lead people in faith development and talk about a kind and loving God who wants the best for us, I was happier.

It seems so simple and yet so hard to do. What pulls us back to the dark side all the time when there is so much good that surround us continuously? Ah, if I could only practice what I preach.

Buddha may have reached enlightenment when he was 35. I may have understood my path of life when I was 19. But, when it comes to daily living I don’t trust those folk who claim “they have their shit together.” I think it is a process, “We’re trying to get it together.” I have a basic belief system that has been pretty stable now for a very long time. That does not mean it is constantly evolving, in fact, during retirement I have more time for that type of growth and I like it. But that in turn leads me to want to share things, thus this blog which provides an outlet for that need.

I once visited with a cleaning lady in a church I served and she noticed I had a copy of L. Ron Hubbard’s, Dianetics book on my desk. Ron Hubbard, basically known as a science fiction writer, and the founder of the Church of Scientology in which the object is to become a “clear”, one with no hang-ups at all, just understands life from a scientific point of view. The woman seemed surprised I had the book, and then announced, “I am a clear.” I thought to myself, “Sure you are…not!” But who knows. But it sounded to me like another two bit religious huckster stuff claiming things they don’t have.

Damn, went negative again. Read good stuff folk, and hang out with positive people, it’s good for your health.

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