
Friday, September 2, 2011

The Post

Opinions suggest that it is OK to continue discussion, but I have a problem. I find that a believer is like a goat tied to an imaginary post, and a professional believer has no need of even a rope. They have forgotten what it is like to gambol in a field without fences or ropes or posts, and because their droppings have accumulated enough to create a hillock from which they can observe other goats thus frolicking, they go so far as to think, "Well, eventually all goats will be tied to a post, and I believe one day the farmer will come and take me into his house and set me at his table and give me good things to eat and we will all be happy."

But it is not going to happen. To live tied to a post is to die tied to a post, and if one should wake up in another world he will still be tied to a post. And to keep company with such a goat is to suffer the same fate. So get me out of that one, please.

I understand that the saying goes, "The truth shall set you free," not, "Here's a perpetual luncheon you don't have to pay for."


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