
Friday, September 23, 2011

Squeeze bottle solutions?

Before the days of squeeze bottle catsup, those bottles used to drive me nuts. You’d spend a half an hour pounding on the bottom of the thing with no results until the last pound whereupon the entire contents would descend upon your fries and your shirt and pants. This was particularly true of Heinz. Realizing their stupid catsup wouldn’t come out of the bottle, the Heinz advertisers then deveoped campaigns extolling the virtue of their thick catsup. A number of food and household products caught on to that and would advertise their products limitations as virtues.

Now does this strike a remarkable similarity to today’s politics. Paul Ryan, representative of the 1st Wisconsin district (you cannot contact him on his website unless you are from his district) seems to be the budget go to boyo for the Republicans, “let’s not spend anything cronies.” He has fervently said that Keynesian economics (demand side economics) is a failed concept. It was the dominant concept and used up to the Regan era. For 35 years, the Regan era onward, supply side economics (trickle down economics) has been in use. During that time the wealth of the country has been concentrated in the hand of a tiny few, the median income has consistently dropped, the middle class has diminished, the lower class has increased in size and the national and personal the debt has risen remarkably. Pound the bloody bottle all you like, it’s still stuck in there. So, of course, blame the system that worked before for your problems. The Republicans seem to have that mantra down pat.

Wall Street owns the Republicans, bankers own the Democrats, lobbyists for the rich and powerful groups write the legislation; what we need is a squeeze bottle.

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