
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Great Book

I have just finished reading a book by Fareed Zakaria, entitled The Post-American World. I have been so excited about a book since I read Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope. Both have helped give me hope for this country of our as we move through turbulent times.

If you watch “Meet the Press” you have likely seen and heard Fareed Zakaria who is fairly regular on their panel. He came to this country from India was he was 18 and has an absolutely amazing grasp of our country, it politics, and how it stands in the world. He obviously loves the country and sees our great strengths but well points out mistakes we have made and make and how we could do better.

His point, as the title indicates, is that there will come a time, perhaps not so far from now, when we will no longer be the most powerful and dominant country in the world. This does not mean we will fade away but we will need to learn how to live in a world and share power and influence with countries as powerful and as influential as our own.

This is the second printing of his book, originally published in 2008, but been updated as of this year. There is a descent synopsis of the book on Wikipedia, but I would encourage reading it in its entirely. It is a delicious read.

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