
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The right loves to talk about the small changes brought into being by the Obama administration as “Obamacare” and likens it to socialism. Are you kidding? If you at all aware of our health system, (profit based) as compared to public systems used in most of the developed countries, you know that our health care is by far and away the most expensive health care in the world and does not provide the best health care unless you are very very rich.

Following is a summary of an article from the Washington Post by N.C. Aizenman, September 27, 2011 with my comments. See link: 
The upshot is that both employers and employees are caught in this economic crunch with employers less and less able to pay for full health care for employees and employees shouldering more and more of the expenses up to 10% of their wages. Increases in health care while wages decrease.

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