
Friday, September 2, 2011

The third truth is that suffering can be overcome and happiness can be attained: that true happiness and contentment are possible. ~ Buddhism

Recant? Re can't. No worries for me, it's all just good conversation. . While beliefs have retained their core they always remain in flux. Here's to open minds and continued learning. But I do love to tell stories so here comes one.


In my hometown at the Forum Café and Bowling Alley the usual quintet of Sid Buddha, Sean Calvin, Diogenese Cynic, Zeno Stoic, and Mo Amed had gathered for morning tea. General Lee was reading at the next table, as U Grant sipped laced iced tea.

“Life is suffering,” said Sid.
“Indeed it is,” Diogenes and Zeno chimed in simultateously.
“What would you expect from we humans?” replied Sean. “Yet,” continued Sean, “I believe our suffering is part of our karma; expected but I believe it ultimately leads to good.”
“Amen to that brother,” intoned Sid. “In the good ol U.S here, democracy appears to be a sham in that the rich seem to have bought the country. Yet despite the plight of the poor there remains an optimism and a sense of can do, that almost deifies reason.”
“Indeed,” added Mo, “We are a peace loving people following the Koran but we are known as wild eyed terrorists. Yet, unlike some other groups, we have no one who speaks for all of us.”
“I was taking a nap one day,” said Diogenes, “and this fellow strode up to me and said, ‘I am Alexander a great king.’ I replied, ‘I am Diogenes the dog.’ And then I asked him to move out of the sun. The point is a lot of self inflation doesn’t make us any better than any other.”

At the next table General Lee piped up and said, “So, how are you all feeling today?”
Sean said, “My hemorrhoids are acting up, but I’m happy.”
Mo added, “My eyes are running from allergies, but I feel happy as well.”
Zeno commented, “I’ve got a bit of athletes foot, but life if good.”
Diogenes said, “I had to put one of my dogs down, but all is well by me.”*
Sid said, “When I was rich I was sad, but now life is very good and I’m content.”

“Glad to hear it,” voiced General Lee as General Grant slid from his chair onto the floor. They all went over and picked up and placed him back in his chair. One of them said, “Likely too much tea, but he seems okay.”

*Cynic comes from the Greek word for dog. J

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