
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Okay President Obama, This is what you should do…

It’s rather stupid to be writing this the day the President is to give his rocko boffo speech, but why not. Heavens, the tons of readers of this blog will be fascinated I’m sure. So here goes.

Quit pussy footing around with the Republicans who are going to stab you in the back and not work with you anyway. Frankly, the only way anything is going to work for you, is to get progressive Democrats elected to congress so they can give you the support you need.

Jobs is obviously the biggy. We need programs of the nature FDR implemented following the great depression. The infrastructure is a mess, never followed through after the Eisenhower administration. To hell with the debt ceiling, get the country working so taxes can come in with economic stability.

Let Bush tax breaks run out period. Implement a progressive tax system, the more you make the more you pay; it’s only fair. At the same time do lower corporate taxes to match those in the world’s economy; we don’t need a disadvantage there. But we surely need to raise the taxes on the millionaires and billionaires. Take the Koch brothers meeting materials and let the folk know how they are being taken advantage of by these economic giants.

Housing definitely has to be addressed and the banking system taken to task. The fellas who misled their clients need to be held accountable for their debacle. Folk don’t understand macroeconomics but they understand being able to own and keep a home and have a job. But they also need realism, not snake oil sales pitches for more than you can afford. Personal debt in this country is ridiculous and needs to be addressed.

Quit fighting outdated styles of wars. They cost too much and don’t help fight terrorism. Any war after six months loses public support anyway. But we do need to do more to help our veterans in our paid army.

If you want to have a legacy of importance, work very hard to change election laws so they are only public funded, so that the rich can’t buy the country any more. Outlaw lobbyists so legislators have to do their own work and represent the common good rather than special interests.

Please don’t back off on changing the medical disaster in this country. Show folk that social security and Medicare and Medicaid can continue to work and need to provide the safety for folk they have done. Help quiet the fears of folk who are led to think they can’t rely upon them.

What’s with the environmental back offs? This is the place of opportunity. Japan just stole the thunder and wind turbines and that should have been us.

You are a moral man and you need to show us you moral leadership. When someone lies about you call them on it but don’t follow suit. Keep a positive campaign, we need it. It is perfectly okay however, to point out that congresss has done almost zip to help with anything.

And then, of course, follow up on everything. I know presidents start with local agendas and then get pulled into the international scene. Resist this and get folk to work on that, keep your eye on the economy and the common good of the country.

Well, I could go on and on, but that’s enough advice for now. Good luck


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