
Friday, April 13, 2012

The Work Ethic

Spock on Star Trek would say, "Live long and prosper."

The Protestant ethic in this country was if you would work hard God would reward you with wealth; thus good guy and gals are rich and bad folk are poor.

The same thinking held in much of the Old Testament until the wisdom thinkers, (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, ..) observed it was bull and said so, "the sun rises and falls on the good and the bad alike."


The work ethic in this country is failing, big time!


  1. Thank you, President Obama. My sister in law is trying to get a job in a hospital, but everywhere she goes they flat out tell her they are not hiring because of Obamacare.

    1. There are plenty of causes: from my experience in the business world, we also find that Harvard MBA Theory
      has had a significant
      impact on the 'work harder, work longer, do with less, so we get our bonus' business model. This has been years in the making..and why 'MBA' is such a dirty word among those in the workforce that really do the stuff....
