
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Truth Masquerades

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich have both said recently that gas prices under the Obama administration have doubled. Okay, when Obama took office the average cost for a gallon of gas was $1.83 and today the average gallon of gas in the country is $3.92. $1.83 x’s 2 = $3.66. So it’s true, what a bad thing Obama has done. Technically Mitt and Newt are correct but it’s more of a lie that the truth.

Oh, if you look at the highs, the Obama has dropped gas prices by 79 cents. All of this is whacko. These things happened under each administration but to lay everything at either president’s administration is naïve and in this case, misleading to the nth degree.

This may be the nature of politics but it is like taking a close up of a person’s ear and defining them by that tiny bit of information. You have to look at things in context; you need to have some sense of history even a short history will show these misinformation pieces.

The conservatives just love to talk about how bad Obama has been for the economy and they are pretty effective in convincing people that is true; the majority believe Mitt will be better for economic recovery. To me that is just like the misleading gas bit.

For 35 years the country has mostly followed supply side economics (trickle down); if the rich get all these tax breaks and the like everyone will benefit. And they are still trying to sell this same old story. The problem is that it has never worked. All it did was redistribute the wealth from the middle class to the upper 1%. You don’t have to be an econ major to figure it out; you just have to look at a rather short piece of history.

You cannot wreck an economy with bad economic policies for 35 years and expect anyone to repair it in 4 years.

Now I’m getting up in years and my memory is not what it used to be. But I do remember and examine the last 35 years (and a lot more) and see conservative ideological baloney as baloney. Do all Republicans have collective Alzheimer’s or is it just plain lying or is it stupidity or worse?

It is like the Obamacare mudslinging. As PK mentioned in one of his comments, Obama’s program was proposed by Republican administrations, Nixon et. al. So, the Republican got what they wanted but now uses it as a way of throwing stones at the current administration. Read your history. Newt has a PhD in history, he got paid a lot of money for being one as a non-lobbyist, so what is his excuse?

BB-Idaho also makes an excellent point about the news and whether anybody even watches it anymore. They keep reporting these memory deficient pieces. Unfortunately I think that is where the majority do get most of their information and don’t know how to find more reliable sources that have perspective and factuality rather than selling a product they call news.

Henny Penny got it wrong, but Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey, followed along happily with all the misinformation until Foxy Loxy and his family ate them. Well Henny Penny lucked out by being slow and lived to run away; I want to be historically accurate.

It’s time to grab all the Henny Pennys or Witty Mitteys running around and teach them some history and common sense. 


  1. "For 35 years the country has mostly followed supply side economics (trickle down); if the rich get all these tax breaks and the like everyone will benefit"

    That is not a complete story at all. The idea has been tax breaks for all. To the point where most of the money involved in the tax breaks is being kept by the non-rich, and the middle class makes up the majority of the group benefiting from tax breaks.

    1. So how do you explain the radical redistribution of wealth during this period of time. You speak a half or misleading truth, the majority may get for benefits numerically because they are the majority; but the majority of the wealth from these tax breaks go to the rich. It's obvious, just look at the numbers.
