
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Slogans and Reflections

I have collected some of the occupy movement slogans you find below for you viewing pleasure. The meatier part follows.

Banks Rob America (ed. not unlike man bites dog)
When the People Lead the leaders will follow
They got bailouts we got sold out
Apply the golden rule not the rule of gold
Stop the Austerity
Burn down the house but keep the foundation
Make jobs not war – 99% are poor
Jobs are not bailouts
Come senators congressmen please head the call 
I won’t believe corporations are people until Texas executes one.
Why are we bailing them out when none of them are behind bars?
Lost my job, but found an occupation.

The Occupation Movement as we know began September 17 2011 when folk occupied New York City’s Zuccotti Park. Now the movement has gone to 95 cities and 82 countries and likely a lot more. Their basic slogan is “We Are the 99%” referring to the collection of wealth by the 1% of the country. They are people articulating in various ways that while the country has grown economically, that wealth has not been distributed in any way shape or form equally with the ultra rich getting very rich and the middle class losing ground and the poor in deep doodoo.

It took the media a fairly long time to acknowledge this rather massive movement and it still doesn’t garner a lot of coverage. Like the Tea Party which got a lot of coverage at the least in the beginning, it reflects that and great number of people in this country are unhappy about the direction the country has taken over the last three decades. The conservatives seem to want to go back to yesteryear which doesn’t seem terrible realistic as the world has changed just too much to do so. The liberals or more aptly the progressive want basic changes in the governmental structure that favors the middle class as it once did and compassion for the lower classes.

In my eye the conservatives are not longer conservative in the classic sense but have become in part what they condemned, the spend party while keeping the no tax position. A position that is plain untenable and has resulted in incredible debt both at the national and individual levels. I applaud those trying to get the party back to its traditional values; they are needed.

The liberals in my eye, have just abdicated being liberal and moved to the right, for example they are now the party wanting to put the breaks on spending.

I wish conservatives would go back to be conservative in the manner they were before the Reagan election and liberals would go back to being liberals of the same era. Now, everything is just a confused mess.

To the root of this prevailing “evil” is, as the scripture says, “the love of money,” or just plain greed. Unregulated corporations create and imbalance in the marketplace that favors the rich and powerful over smaller of often more efficient business without stock owners to pay. Unregulated unions promote ruffian grabbers of the economic pie that can hurt the very business they want to be paid by. And folk you want to go back to the olden days, will just shoot each other.

The byplay of liberals and conservatives in the pre-Reagan days kept each other in relative check. Now we just have gridlock.

But what I believe we have lost the most is the concept on the national good. European countries, while they are struggling with the same issues we are, seem to have maintained that concept. They have paid more attention to infrastructures and those things that allow the nation to grow and be more globally competitive. And then there is the near and far East which are providing some new economic models for the world.

We bicker and complain and fight for bigger pies of the pie; one side which has obviously won) will others have been more creative and taken the longer view.

Has the American dream moved abroad? If so, we need to repatriate it.

Just to be fair here are some Tea Party Signs:

Don’t let the Kick-tater make you a poor-tater.
Obama get your hand out of my pocket! I can stimulate myself.
Obamanomics: rigging the game to make it “fair.”
Momma Grizzles stand up.
Government should be small like me.
Bend over tax payers$ Obama want to be your proctologist.
Refudiate Obama.
Obama is the terrorist from within.
You want the government to control doctors’ decisions? Are you insane, stupid or just plan evil?
NBC you suck! I don’t believe in Liberal media!
Hydrogen Barackside: kills capitalism on contact, kills jobs on contact, stimulates Marxist tendenceies, no oversight needed, enforced by unions…
No more rinos & liberals.
Socialized medicine is to die for.
Obama is a robbin’ hood.
Mr. President stop insulting dogs!
Clinging to my guns and bible!!!


  1. The heart of 'Obamacare' was proposed by Nixon in 1974, endorsed by the Heritage Foundation in 1989, and supported by Gingrich and other republicans in the 90's. Now suddenly it's "Socialized Medicine" apparently just because a democrat supported it.

    So, it feels like the democratic party today is roughly where the republican party was 20 years ago, ideologically speaking. We don't have any 'liberal' party here, just two conservative parties. The republican party has meanwhile migrated so far to the right that it is in danger of falling off the edge of the world. It seems to be going out of its way to marginalize itself, especially with this year's crop of primary candidates.

    1. If you measure from the center, we have a liberal/left party and a conservative/right party.
