Melanie Slaugh sent this to me thinking folk might enjoy it. I did and will share it.
- Huffington Post – A news aggregator founded by Arianna Huffington, with a liberal slant to its content. The Huffington Post makes frequent use of its pages to tell Rush what for. Rush hasn’t exactly been making it difficult for them lately.
- Wonkette – This blog is part of an online magazine created by Ana Marie Cox, and dishes a left-leaning smorgasbord of political gossip and snark. The Rush menu is extensive, and tasty.
- Daily Kos – A self-described “news organization, community, and activist hub’, Daily Kos is the brainchild of Markos Moulitsas ZĂșniga, who serves as publisher and writer. As a liberal, progressive platform, Daily Kos has its share of pieces concerning Rush Limbaugh.
- Crooks and Liars – You don’t have to dig too far to dredge up some dirt on old Rush here at C&L. Visitors can search categories such as Blue America, Occupy America, Newstalgia, and Video Cafe. Don’t miss William Shatner’s rendition of It Was a Very Good Year at Late Night Music Club.
- ThinkProgress – A non-partisan project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, ThinkProgress is intended to provide “a forum that advances progressive ideas and policies.” Find TP’s blogs about Limbaugh here.
- Oliver Willis – Boston-based blogger Willis is a Democratic voice of considerable import. On his blog you will find a wide array of social and political fodder, not the least of which is the subject of our popular conservative lightning rod, Rush.
- A progressive blog and news site with a very vocal online community. You can get some interesting discourse on all manner of political issues. Here is a sampling from the archives re: Rush Limbaugh.
- Democratic Underground – In their mission statement, Democratic Underground describes itself thusly: ”… an online community where politically liberal people can do their part to effect political and social change”. Check out some DU digs at Rush Limbaugh.
- Political Animal (Washington Monthly) – Washington Monthly is actually a bimonthly (as of 2008), non-profit political magazine which was formed by Charles Peters way back in 1969. It takes a non-partisan approach, though it can be regarded as left of center in its ideology. As such,Limbaugh gets his share of ink.
- Classic Liberal – Political leanings are a bit complicated – and verbose- so glean what you can from here. That being said, there’s a potpourri of political pot shots to peek at here, including our man Rush Limbaugh of course.
All ten of these sites love to bash Rush Limbaugh, and he frequently gives them plenty of ammunition to do it with. You can’t help but wonder who else they will bash when Rush retires from the political scene…
It seems to be a growing genre ...
ReplyDeleteIt's been that way for a while. Years and years ago, a similar (in tactics not policy) buffoon named Al Franken rode Limbaugh's coattails to great career success with a best selling book bashing Limbaugh. On and off over the years, using Limbaugh's name is a way to make money.
Delete"Wonkette – This blog is part of an online magazine created by Ana Marie Cox, and dishes a left-leaning smorgasbord of political gossip and snark..."
ReplyDeleteAnd hate of the worst kind. Even going beyond Limbaugh alluding to Chelsea Clinton being a dog.
This is what Wonkette said about Sarah Palin's disabled son:
"What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded.
His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive,
Enjoy yourself today, Trig. Have fun! Get drunk (on purpose this time)! We can hardly wait for 15 years from now, when you will finally be able to vote and will be sent off by your mother’s junta to fight the Union in the Great Alaska War. It’ll be quite a loss. You’re the smartest one in that family."
Wonkette only pulled this after intense public pressure. And all the while they lied about their vicious statement, and offered a weak non-apology.
WTG, Wonkette: Fighting Limbaugh by being worse than him. What a strategy.
Okay, hate mongering is bad no matter who says it. But is that a defense of Limbaugh?
DeleteNo, just pointing out that some of those you list are pigs who get down in the mud with Limbaugh and wallow themselves.
DeleteI did not intend it as a defense of Limbaugh. I only defend him, as I do anyone, when false charges are made against him. But by and large I find him not worthy of defense.