
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Why Does the Right Oppose Obamacare so Ferociously?

Some ideologies just make no sense. In the past Republicans have always argued for the smallest government possible to get the job of government done. That is a sound idea. But today’s conservative extremists have gone way beyond that to just demonizing the government. They have begun to sound more like anarchists than the promoters of democracy.

The examples are rampant. Anything the government does is wrong. While I agree our government is a mess I believe that is largely due to the extreme right wing blockages to proper government work. They ignore ecological problems such as global warming, they ignore social issues from all standpoints and would privatize everything despite evidence that that does not work in many cases such as health care.

These hard-core ideologists are perfectly willing to destroy the economy, shut down the government, default on public debt and refusing care to citizens and while spending billions supporting congressmen who do nothing. They encourage young people not to pay their share of the Obamacare totally ignoring the fact that all private insurance do the same thing, taking more from younger members to met the needs of older members.

Worst of all this they offer no good options to Obamacare. The situation as is that they support by default gives us the most expensive health care in the world, but not the best health care (unless you are rich.) Being just “agin it” doesn’t cut it. The opponents just rely on disinformation and negativism. That is not a solution. It also ignores while they have been successful at making citizens wary of Obamacare, if you take the parts of Obamacare the majority of voters are for it.

I am not a great fan of Obamacare either but for different reasons. I think it does not go nearly far enough. The only sensible system would be a single payer system, which has proven to work in other countries where they seem to care for the public welfare more than we do.

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