
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Life Before the Shackteau

“It seems like a very long time ago,” said, Patchtricia the other day, “but likely it wasn’t all that long ago I suppose.”

“What’s that,” said Lamont?

“The time before we moved into the Shackteau.” Replied Patch.

“I’m not sure I want to think about it,” said Pawline.

“I understand your reluctance,” continued Patch, “but sometimes it is important to remember, even if the memories were not pleasant.”

“Well, they sure weren’t,” said Paw, “We lived in that old shack next door between the walls. We were just wee little kittens when our mother got flattened on the highway. The weather kept getting worse and worse, we were hungry and frightened and it frightens me just to think about.”

“Well, for a big cat, almost everything frightens you Paw,” replied Lamont.

“Yes, it was scary and frightening, but look at us now.” Continued Patch as she curled upon on the scratching pole. “Remember it like yesterday when I saw the lady furless one outside her back door and I peeked up from the grass and made a small ‘mew. And then think what happened.”

“It was most remarkable,” added Lamont as he leapt to the top part of the stacking thing. “Pretty soon she put out some food for us. Pretty good stuff especially when we were really hungry.”

“Yes, it was good,” said Paw, “but then she wanted to pet us and pick us up and stroke our fur. What was it that? A great big furless one and we furry things. Why did they care a whit? I admit I just didn’t like all that attention, just leave us the food and leave us alone. That’s what I wanted.”

“Sure,” said Lamont, “But now your purr motors turns on faster than either Patch’s or mine when the come around.”

“Yes, things are good here since they moved us into the Shackteau,” continued Patch. “The male furless comes every morning have gives us the crunchy stuff to eat, cleans up our litter boxes, and plays with us before he settles down to mess with that computer thing. It is warm in here when it is cold outside, and cool in here when it hot outside. We have toys galore. There are lot’s of things to steal of the Ooo’s desk. There are bugs to chase and bite when the get in. We have multiple beds and things to scratch. And we have each other. And, every evening and sometimes before the lady Doreen furless one comes and gives us our gourmet meal and brushes and brushes us, scratching our ears and chins and makes nice sounds.”

“Yeah,” said Paw, “but then they come and scare the crap out of us occasionally for no apparent reason. Like last night the Oooo furless one picked us one at a time and took us over to their house and turned us loose. The place is huge and multiple levels. It was scary, very very scary. Why’d they do that?”

“I don’t know Paw,” said Lamont, “but I think you are overdoing the scary part. There were lots of wonderful places to explore, and we are inquisitive as cats, its our nature to explore. I liked wandering around and finding all types of new things to explore.”

“I agree,” said Patch, “I didn’t wander around as much, the whiskery furless one put me in the lady Doreen’s lap” and she petted and petted me for the longest time. Then I just got down, and went under their coffee table and just lay there looking around the big room with lots and lots of windows.”

“Oh yes,” said Lamont, “the windows were higher up than even ours and we could see lots more things.”

“Okay, “ said, Paw, “but I really didn’t know where to go and just be, there were so many things, so I just kept running around their bed for quit a while as the whiskered furless one kept following me. And,” Noted Paw with alarm, “did you see as he carried us over to the house that our old shack was completely gone! What happened to it the home of our youth. Scary!”

“Get over it,” said Patch was she jumped from the scratching house to the middle level of the stacking steps and rolled on her back. “Change happens, we’re cats we can handle it. In fact, I would not be surprised it we might end up living in the big house with the furless ones.”

“Really,” said Paw with alarm.

“Could be” said Lamont with a small cat smile as he lowered his eyes and envisioned a cloudy future, and then took a nap. As he nodded off he thought, “It’s good to appreciate what you have.”

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