
Saturday, August 11, 2012

There’s a sucker born every minute ~ P.T. Barnum

He did it, I can’t believe he did it, but he did it; Romney picked Ryan for a running mate. If elected we’re doomed.

I’m, getting older and older and my memory was never very good to begin with, but I do remember history. Does that make me an oddity among the voting public? As Robert Reich said, “Bill Clinton is being resurrected by the Democrats; George W. Bush is being erased by the GOP – as if an entire eight years of American history hadn’t happened.”

Worse people seemed have learned nothing of over 3 decades of trickledown economics and the fact it doesn’t work. And now we have potential leaders of the country that want us to dash headlong back to the 19th century when the economy was completely out of control and ended up in the Great Depression. Which ignores we have the same wealth distribution now that existed that caused the Great Depression and now these two dudes what to make it even more widespread. Daft!

In the past there were men of wealth who used that wealth to understand the plight of the common man and worked to establish a middle class that could enjoy part of the life they enjoyed ~ good education, access to improvement, and developed strong infrastructures and governmental controls that made that possible. These included the Kennedys the Cabots and others of their ilk.

And then there are the wealthy that are just plain greedy, who have an insatiable desire for more, more, more. The Republican party has lost touch with middle class, sneers at and condemns the lower classes, and just represent the vested interests of the super wealthy. That is shallow at best and demonic at worst.

Even though with the outlandish contributions from the wealthy and the super PACs one hopes that the country can see through their subterfuge and send them packing. But that means the public will have to do their own research and become truly educated in political science and economics and just plain common sense. Our recent track record is not all that good.

Here’s to hope that P.T. Barnum was wrong and the country is not a circus looking to take advantage of the rubes with freaks and side shows and rigged games.


  1. Odd pick; Ryan fares poorly with seniors and independents. In HS he was picked as class
    brown noser, he paid for college with his social security survivor benefits (benefits he
    apparently wants to cut and use the $$ for
    further high end tax cuts). Wisconsin keeps reelecting him though, so he must have some appeal. Odd pick-encouraged me to up my political donations to the other side....

  2. "And now we have potential leaders of the country that want us to dash headlong back to the 19th century when the economy was completely out of control and ended up in the Great Depression"

    I would say this is a massive bit of hyperbole, considering these facts:

    1) Paul Ryan favors a massive amount of welfare spending. It's at a high level. It is nothing like turning back the clock to the 19th century. It's not even like turning it back to the level of LBJ's "Great Society".

    2) There is nothing radical about Romney and Ryan, or even the Tea Party. The Tea Party gets tarred with "radical" labels for wanting to roll the budget back to 2008, and for wanting to have deficits below $500 billion, instead of the $1.5 trillion deficits Obama likes and wants.


    There's nothing radical, and no turning back of the clock.


    "Which ignores we have the same wealth distribution now that existed that caused the Great Depression and now these two dudes what to make it even more widespread."

    But there is now a massive amount of regulation that wasn't in place then. Almost all of which everyone agrees on and will not throw away.

    There is nothing to be gained by worrying about something that does not matter at all: that some people are supposedly earning too much money.

    "The Republican party has lost touch with middle class, sneers at and condemns the lower classes, and just represent the vested interests of the super wealthy."

    The Republican Party is indeed touch with the middle class, which is why it wins so many elections, including the Walker recall in Wisconsin.

    As for this: " George W. Bush is being erased by the GOP – as if an entire eight years of American history hadn’t happened."

    Of Obama had chosen policies to reduce the deficit and increase employment instead of the opposite, and taken us back to the levels of both that we had under George W. Bush, he'd be a shoo-in for reelection.
