
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Plenitude Economy

This is an amazing link about how a post consumer society could be. Very creative!


  1. I remember in college finding a book from the mid/late 1950's on economic growth and the promise it held for the nation - it held confident predictions of a future of 30-hour workweeks, more leisure time, and slowly growing prosperity for all. Of course, this was the late 50's, when labor unions were strong and the top tax bracket was 70% or so, so they could not have foreseen that all the future economic growth would simply be rerouted and concentrated to those at the tippity-top of the economic scale. It was a different world.

  2. At some point we will have to make peace with the idea of saying goodbye to never-ending growth. The planet is finite in size and is a closed system. Until we start mining asteroids and colonizing other worlds, there are practical limits to how much mining, manufacturing, etc. can occur inside our finite, closed system.

  3. Rational thinking often gives way to basic greed. I want more more more even if my quality of life decreases.
