
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Flat Tax Benefits

The Flat Tax sounds so fair, but isn’t. That should be blatantly obvious but isn’t. It infers that all folk benefit equally from the infrastructure and they don’t. I suppose we could do away with all taxes and just pay as you go. If a business wants to ship it product, let them build the roads to ship it. If it wants educated people to work for them, educate them themselves. If they want to advertize their products let them build the communications networks. Let them do all the research and development on their own.

A function of government is to redistribute wealth so that all benefit from the infrastructure of society. Those who have more should contribute more. Simple.

As to how the 999 Cain plan flat tax would benefit folk, see the following graph. Sorry for its length.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this graph too. Cain's plan is just more of the failed supply-side economics. It's 'Class Warfare' on steroids. Rather than addressing the core problem facing long-term economic growth (wealth concentration) this plan actually goes out of its way to make the problem worse.
