
Friday, August 19, 2011

Let’s Blame the E.P.A.

Maybelle Hackmann, Brick Harry, and Salamander Imrich, along with Pon Raul, Kerman Hain, Yawn Shootsman, all members of the various Republican leaders in my hometown have found common ground, they are in blaming the E.P.A. for our economic problems. As their limos and Hummers idled, together the sang a chorus of “Drill Baby Drill” Whenever you want, wherever you want, drill baby drill.” Maybelle futher commented that there ought to be a panel of experts who really know what they are talking about; oil and gas executives empowered to set regulations. Brick Harry quickly pointed out the need to make used of those trees just taking up space in the national parks that could provide lots of jobs. All agreed that all this hooey about global warming was just a plot to upset the public created by El Gordo and his minions. Only Biff Roomy of the republican groups saw the importance to the E.P.A. keeping him in tune to the members of the various republican parties. Biff did however, come out against regulations on carbon dioxide and other gases that contribute to global warming. The Coffee Klatch however, loves their positions.

In an anti tree-hugger jamboree the Coffee Klatch was heard chanting, “Gases, gases, let them rip from your patoot.”

Sal Paladin, of “Have Bus will Travel” fame, when asked by reporter Curious Kurrick about her views on the E.P.A. said, “I don’t read it…” then conferring with a consultant said, “I meant to say I don’t have a strong opinion about Oprah but I believe you can see her from my backyard.”

[See the New York Times Aug 17, 2011 “Bashing the E.P.A. Is New theme in G.O.P Race.]

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