
Thursday, August 11, 2011

If The Bible were still being written

The title of this article comes from a Christian Century Blog which I follow. It makes the point that what is written in scripture is always written in context, using the author’s example (David Warkentin), “John’s famous line ‘God is love’ was born out of a messy leadership conflict (1 John 4.8)” Good point, especially for the whacko textual preachers who rip things out of context and transplant them into our culture irrelevantly.

My point is that the Bible, in sense in continually being written. Everytime a preacher gets into the pulpit to preach he/she is continuing to write the bible; at the very least interpret it. For years I began everyone of my sermons with a story from my imaginary home town. But in essence I was trying to write stories as Jesus did, stories that told the biblical story but in a modern setting. The Holy Spirit that inspired the biblical writers to write what they did I am convinced was also with me inspiring my pen as I wrote my stories and the expounded upon them and the scriptures of that day to make the relevant to the congregation.

I also think that is true for every Sunday school teacher and especially every parent who seeks to tells their stories of faith to their children. The Holy Spirit is still with us instructing us and leading us in the telling of these faith stories.

Too many people view the Bible as a static book and think they hold the only key to understanding it. But the bible and its revelations continue throughout our cultures. The hearers of scripture and faith stories are also prompted by the Holy Spirit to hear what they are intended to hear, if they are open to that Spirit. The Bible is a dynamic piece of literature that moves with society.

The same in true in politics when we hallow the Constitution with strict interpretation. It was a treatise written by outstanding intellectuals of the day, a remarkable piece of writing. But they had no way of seeing how our country would develop and the complexity of the world as it is. It still holds the great guidelines for a democracy, but we should not worship it. It is the responsibility of the Supreme Court to keep this document dynamic and alive for the country. They too are great leaders and intellectuals and are called to reflect the wisdom of our times.

Obviously for me, the Bible is the far more important book that the Constitution, I am a Christian before I am a patriot, but I believe that makes me a better patriot and other religious views make others better patriots when the bring their dynamic religious views into the political arena to inform their thinking. But often it is the inflexible whacko ones who think they are the best Christians/Moslems/citizens and the like when they remain inflexible in their views and try to cram their point of view down others throats. This disrespects the intelligence of people and the continuing revelation of God/Allah/etc.

We are a people who tell stories that reflect truth as we know it. It are also the characters in story God is continuing to write.

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