
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We Were Away – Did the Cats Play?

For the first time since the cats owned us, we left them on their own, unsupervised for over 3 days. Oh they had lots of water and food and toys, but they were alone without those daily human visits.

When returned they seemed glad to see us running up to us purring and rubbing up against us, meowing vigorously and putting on a good show. I’m also sure they were expecting those delicious canned delights we give them when home. They got two.

Now the Shackteau seemed in reasonable shape. The cat-clawing tower was tipped over which is not unusual. Various items from my desk where spread about. The wastebaskets were tipped over, also common. They did manage to steal another wireless computer mouse (this is number 2), which I have not been able to find along with its predecessor. I wonder if I will ever discover the hiding places. All three liter boxes were in serious need of attention but oddly the place didn’t smell that bad.

But I wonder, should we mount security cameras, which we can check from afar to oversee these wee felines? What would we have discovered? Would of secret stash of catnip been opened and all neighboring cats invited to a wild party? Did they rip down all the venetians blinds and then put they back up after swinging on them? We know they can run up windows with magical powers. Did Lamont fog the minds of the police when the cat music blared too loudly? Were the neighbors seduced by the cute cats ways so as not to reveal their catnanigans? Were the computers all turned to cat porn sites? (Do neutered cats even want to watch such?) Did they build a secret cat door in a hidden place and sneak out to maraud the village? Or am I just paranoid.

Oh well, cats will be cats and the human underlings will be underlings.

On an entirely different note, thinking about traveling with said cats and considering that we might at some point allow them to live in the house I did some research on declawing said cats. Ouch! It is akin to chopping off the first section of you flingers. They wouldn’t be able to type again. It is reported it makes using the liter box more difficult, which could lead to a whole other set of problems among others they mentioned. I suppose we now have to learn how to clip their nails. They are going to love than and we will likely be bleeding a lot.

We did return with new toys for them; motorized spiders that traipse around in a very spider like way. They have eyed these new plastic critters with great suspicion and interest. I suspect more interaction will take place in the future. We do find them tipped over them on their back each morning.

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