
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Philosophical Discourse on a Ceiling Bug

Lamont: “See that bug on the ceiling?”
Patchtricia: “Yes; well, more precisely I see a spot, a very small dark spot, that appears to be very similar to other small dark spots that we have heitherfore described as a bug, yes.”
Pawline: “How very Aristotelian of our Patchtricia, and a bit verbose.”
Lamont: “Now ladies, let us keep focused here. My mind has gone more along the nature of that bug, its reason for being, it’s existential why of being, and it’s purpose in the scheme of the universe. I’m looking beyond the observational analysis of its existence. Why, I ask, is that bug?”
Pawline: “Ah, bugness. Is a bug sentient? Is it aware of its bugness? More importantly, even if it is unaware of its ‘bugness’ does that affect its reason for being a bug? Good thought there Lamont.”
Patchtricia: “To bring this back to the observational realities of what we assume and are calling a ‘bug’, How and why did it arrive at its position upon our ceiling. Is it there merely to stimulate our little grey cells to speculate upon its bugness or is it just there because it is there?”
Lamont: “Agreed, is a part of the cosmic consciousness or cosmic design? Is it merely an object for our speculation or does it have innate reason or reasons for being there above our mutual heads on said ceiling?”

A long pause ensues as the cats ponder in silence.

Lamont: “Aside from its bugness, its dependence or independence upon us or all of us in the cosmic design, beyond the various reasons for its existence and reason for being…I’d like to bite it!”
Pawline: “Excellent point. I had as well arrived at the same conclusion, I would like the bite it.”
Patchtricia: “I concur fellow felines, it looks good for biting. However, it seems a bit out of reach.

Lamont: “Patience Pawline and Patchtricia, patience.”

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