
Monday, July 22, 2013

Refugee Housing Unit (RHU): Truly a better mousetrap.

Every now and then someone comes up with a remarkable idea. The Ikea Foundation in Sweden, a philanthropic furniture branch in connection with the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees has come up with such an idea.

What they have created is truly amazing. When natural disasters take place there is always the problem of housing displaced people. Often they have to live in tents, on average up to 12 years often in very harsh environments. It is estimated that 3.5 million or 10% of refuges continue to live in these tents.

Ikea has developed what they call a flat-pack shelter the RHU that comes in boxes, which can be set up without any tools in about 4 hours. It is comprised of plastic panels that clip on to a metal wire and pipe frame and is 17.5 square meters. Bigger, more private that even has a solar panel to generate electricity and light. In the future they want to improve them to do water harvesting and purification along with lockable doors and windows, but now it makes it too expensive. These unite cost about $500 the improved model would double that.

About 50 prototypes are being used in Iraq, Lebanon and Ethiopia.

You would think the media would be all over this and they would be being promoted like mad. Talk about a company that follows the golden rule, these folks are saints. 

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