
Friday, May 18, 2012

Why Can’t Crossroads GPS and Karl Rove Be Sued?

I know I’m going back to an old complaint, but I still wonder why people in the public eye, particularly politicians cannot sue when lies are said about them in political ads.

Case in point, Crossroads GPS (Grassroots Policy Strategies) will be launching a multimillion dollar ($8 million to be exact) attack ad in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia saying President Obama broke promises on tax increases for families making less than $250,000 a year and individuals making less than $200,000 a year. The ad shows Obama’s promised made in 2008 followed by the sound of breaking glass and then saying he is raised 18 different taxes.

The argument is bogus. To get all the pertinent facts go to  Which discredits the ad with facts. You can check it out on USA Today, CNN, CBS and elsewhere.

An $8 million dollar lie that will have to be confronted with more money spent to defend against the lie. There is just too much money being spent that is slander and libel and we have to listen to this crap on TV over and over again. In a plutocracy, which we seem to have this seems fair game, but we are supposed to live in a democracy where it shouldn’t.

Crossroads seems to have a lot of money to spend; Google it; 25 million here 1.4 million there; they have money. Karl Rove is the dude behind all this.


  1. Karl is betting that Americans are no longer
    critical thinkers. He may be right, sadly.

  2. These are strange times; Rove, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh-the intellectual leaders of the extreme conservative movement. Having followed this for some time, I cannot but
    agree with Mann & Ornstein "It's Worse Than It Looks" and
    Leonard Pitts, Jr's precis (Miami Herald, May 20/2112):
    "-ideologically extreme, contemptuous of the inherited
    social and economic policy regime, scornful of compromise;
    unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of
    its political opposition-" and yet "they note it is awkward for mainstream news media to report this because it might be sen as violating their ethos of non-bias or interpeted as blindness to the sins sof the democrats."
    -a good review of their book may be found

    1. Whether you agree with them has 100% to do with your political bias. Democrats think those contemptuous things of Republicans... .and vice versa.

    2. It is a bit problematic: conservatives
      like Micheal Fumento are calling out the far right, joined by moderates like Colin Powell, Chuck
      Hagel and Megan McCain. Purging 'rinos' is just another example of that type of thinking:
      small wonder that over 90% of scientists do not vote GOP. Bias? Perhaps...but I remember
      Ike..and the current bunch would be an embarrassment to him.

  3. "There is just too much money being spent that is slander and libel and we have to listen to this crap on TV over and over again. "

    So, you have people expressing political opinions you do not like. The very heart of our First Amendment. I see no problem here. Turn the channel!

    And this is the umpteenth comment/post I have seen here that is hostile to the idea of the freedom of expression of political opinion.

    At least you did not use PK's line that the government needs to censor unwanted opinion out of the false fear that it might drown out the political opinion which is favored by the ruling elites.
