
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Now This Is Free Speech Envisioned in the First Ammendment

Robert Reich is rapidly become a favorite speaker of mine. See his latest video


  1. The advertisements which the "Move to Amend" folks want to censor are exactly the sort of free speech envisioned in the first amendment: the people having the ability to openly criticize those in power.

    Reich lost my respect early on due to his anti-worker activities. Early in the Clinton administration, he favored keeping workers uninformed about their right to refuse to join unions.

    But of course I support his right to free speech.

  2. And I watched the video. Reich is so wrong on almost all points. Like about the "Occupy" movement, which didn't get in trouble for free speech, but for trespassing, harassment, and assault. Filthy rape camps and Occupy brownshirts closing down small businesses are more than "inconvenient". And his deep contempt for the free speech rights of individuals is disturbing. He even brings up the completely baseless "drowning out" idea.

    Robert, if those people you hate so say stuff you don't like, ignore it. Or perhaps move to North Korea, a country more to your liking, which does what you like. A place where it is illegal for the people to criticize those in power.

    Reich gives glowing praise to those who assault people and harass them, while reserving his rage and blustering demands for censorship for people who merely say things he does not like. He has his priorities backwards.

    Voltaire said it best: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
