
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Basketball Courts Defy the Golden Mean, Why?

I have no idea where this come from in my mind but my inquiring mind wants to know. The NBA basketball court is 50’ by 94’, a high school BB court is 84’ by 50’ and a junior high BB court is 74’ by 42’. Why those dimensions?

If the NBA court followed the golden mean, a known balanced form, if the court remained 50 feet wide it should only be 81 (80.9) feet (I am only using four digits here width times 1.618.) A High school court would be the same as the NBA, and a junior high court would be 42’ by 67.956, let say 68 feet. Or why not a court that was 60’ wide and 97’ long.

Just wondering. Perhaps it explains why basketball players are so tall; probably not.


  1. I have no idea what you just said, lol!

    1. Google the golden mean. It will show you a formula I cannot reproduce here. It has to do with pleasing forms to the eye particularly in art and architecture.

  2. Basketball players tend not to look down, so maybe they never notice!
