
Monday, July 18, 2011

Scoundreling: a money making industry.

Most folk are likely incensed that “Tot Mom”, Casey Anthony is likely to be making big, very big, bucks in the near future. Books, movies and the like will be written by someone under her name and she will come out rich. Even if she is successfully sued in civil court, that will still likely be the case; remember O.J. Simpson. Perhaps I’m just jealous, he gets to play more golf at classier places than I do, but then what have I ever done? The down side is you have to be them.

I am scandalized that we take a similar position with a grain of salt in the political arena. I admit the Sarah Palin is cute and perky. She also seems dumb as a post when it comes to history, social awareness and politics. But, she certainly has learned how to market herself, or those around her have. She is making big bucks riding around in her seemingly patriotically symbolic bus. Ann Coulter is raking in her upper tax bracket (if she pays them) sales through hate mongering along with the master of pseudo debate, Rush Limbaugh. This is obviously not limited to Republicans, bit Democrats just don’t seem to be to pull it off as well, though Al Franken’s Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot, came close; but he is funnier. And it is hard to make legitimate comparisons to books such as Obama’s Audacity of Hope, or Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage. They are serious books that can stand on their own merit.

Just think if Attila the Hun, Jack of Ripper, Hitler, or the like were still around. Billions and billions could be made, from the same whackos that buy the current stuff. FOX news would have unlimited material to draw from. If you’re a materialist it’s just great. If you are a moralist, tough. Those that likely have it best are the comics, they can be moral and make money off the nutcases with impunity. A funny thing happened on my way to the forum/senate/house/…

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