
Monday, July 11, 2011

A Call to Conservative Responsibility.

Our republic is faces great and long ranging responsibilities for which both political parties bear responsibilities. But I hear little or no such acknowledgements from, either party (actually Obama did own up to some errors he made). From my perspective, biased as it might be, I would like to hear conservatives own up to their share of our public woes and admit  their errors have led us into most of our current debacle.
1.       Conservatives, do you accept any responsibility for the huge public debt this nation possesses? Most economists agree that there are times when the government needs to spend more to stimulate the economy, which is to be balanced when the economy is strong. Both parties do one of these, spend, but rarely the other.
a.       Conservatives, will you acknowledge that the national debt increased by 300% under the Reagan administration and 200% of the G.W. Bush administration?
b.      Conservatives, will you admit that most national debt is the result of military expenditures and war? And that most was spent or begun under Republican administrations over the last 35 years.
2.       Conservatives will you accept any responsibility for the radical redistribution of wealth over the past 35 years?
a.       That the Reagan administration decreased top tax rates on the ultra rich from 70% to 50%, and the Bush administration has now lowered them to a top rate of 35%.
b.      Do you admit that you have pushed regressive taxes over even or regressive taxes over the last 35 years to that now the top 2% (or less) of the country owns and controls over ½ the wealth of the country. (The same as it was in 1929).
c.       Do you admit to creating a tax system that has widened the gap between the rich and the poor and the shrinking of the middle class?
d.      Do you admit that supply side economics, (Reaganomics/trickle down economics) has not worked for the last 35 years?
e.      Do you admit that because of these above policies we have such high levels of unemployment.
3.       Conservatives will you admit that the government stimulus plans under the Franklin Roosevelt administration worked extremely well bringing the country back from poverty to times of economic well being?
a.       Do you admit that that stimulus plan started under the G.W. Bush administration was too little and too late to turn the economy around?
b.      Do you admit the primary reasons for economic crises of those times was due to the wanton deregulation of government rules, oversight, and funding lead to the crises?
c.       Do you admit the granting subsidies and incentives to large corporations have contributed to our economic woes?
4.       Conservatives do you admit, in concert the Liberals, that you have done nothing to create election reform where money does not play the primary role in elections?
a.       Do you admit that along with the liberals that the vast majority of bills placed before congress were written by lobbyists and reflect their vested interests and do your job for you?
b.      Do you admit that the so-called “Pork Spending” getting congregational funds for you districts are equally shared among both parties?
c.       Do you admit that “fear tactics” are a primary campaign strategy?
5.       Do you admit that you support the “profit based” health care gives us the most expense health care system in the world and one of the least effective; unless you are very rich?
a.       Do you admit the vouchers for medical insurance to replace Medicare benefits just would add to the health care costs for seniors?
b.      Do you admit it has been a part of the Republican agenda for years to do away with Medicare and Social Security?
c.       Do you admit that Social Security could be saved in this country for future generations?
d.      Do you admit that using the term “Obamacare” is just a salacious means trying to distance yourselves from a program you dislike?
6.       Do you admit that it is the conservative strategy to oppose all liberal causes no matter what their value in an effort to “beat” Obama rather than to work for creation mutual solutions?
a.       Do you admit you have no interest in compromise
b.      Do you admit that you place winning above the public good?

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