
Saturday, December 21, 2013

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly…but it’s a struggle

I like to think of myself as a basically happy person with a positive and faithful outlook on life, but…

I have not be able to start my John Deere with it mounted snowplow until two days ago when it got a bit warmer. So, when it snowed yesterday I went out to the garage and looked at its flat tire. Which means I have to remove its wheel weights, a engineering feat rivaling replacing the doohickey on the space station.

Then I listen to the news over and over again about the Duck Dynasty patriarch who stood behind a pulpit in camouflage clothes saying racist and homophobic rants all in the name of Jesus. A&E who sponsors their overpaid program now find themselves in deep doodoo for ousting said patriarch and get life threats. But it is big bucks and lots of bozos like their stuff, no we will get to see what it is we really worship, the almighty dollar. I’m all for free speech even by idiots like Phil Robertson, but that doesn’t mean we should support his idiotic remarks. But then Rush Limbaugh has made a lucrative career of it bless his little obese hate mongering heart.

Same Guy

 We have high definition TV in Fountain City now from Charter, which gives us approximately the same image we had before but now we have to have a box on each TV, which means in our case three TVs have become totally useless.

Ah well, the cats still love me and my wife worries about what to get a man who has everything he needs or wants, including her.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last line of your blog, Hugh. That's an amazing statement. Merry Christmas!
