
Friday, December 27, 2013

Moving Trauma Abates

After a couple of hours of hiding behind the electronic gizmos under the TV Patch turned Paw and said, “Watch out, here comes Meugh to drag us out of here.” Sure enough he did.

Later Meugh went upstair and found Lamont hiding behind the headboard of the bed and dragged him out and took him downstairs to reunite with his sisters. Patch said, “Ah, there you are Lamont, he got you too. Well, at least you are safe and we are together.”

Pauline took a long look around and said, “You know, this place is rather interesting.” Where upon cat curiosity overcame fear and the threesome began to explore.

Some time later Patch said, “Oh look, Mewreen is bringing us tuna! Oh yum!” One by one they ate some tuna in front of the TV. Between bites of tuna they explored their surroundings.

“Hey, there are new beds here with catnip in them,” said Pawline.

“Yeah, and there is a new scratching post with catnip and catnip spray on it as well. I’ll give it a try. Oh yes, it is a fine scratching post,” said Lamont.

“Check out the views from the windows,” mewed Patch. “They’re even better than the Shackteau.”

The exploring continued for sometime with the human servants giving lots of petting, brushing and tummy rubs. After a while the human servants made their way upstairs to their bedroom and the cats followed.

“Hey sisters, this is where I was hiding before, but I really didn’t look around. It’s pretty nice,” said Lamont.

Patch leapt up on the windowsill and exclaimed, “Holy mother of cats, will you check out the view here. You can see for miles.”

“Will you look at that pile of clothes Meugh has left on the floor. We could roll around on them for hours,” remarked Paw.

“They have the TV on but they look sleepy,” said Lamont.

After the human servants nodded off with was time for cat play and they did. “Let’s jump on the bed,” said Lamont. “The thing is freaking huge. There’s room for both of them and all of us with room to spare.”

“Right behind you brother,” said Patch. And so they spent the night climbing in and out of bed. Sometimes snuggling up to the human servants.

“Look I can bounce right off the top of Mewreen’s head onto the headboard, see?” said Pawline.

“My goodness, I never knew humans could purr,” said Patch. “Just listen to them. Rather loud and raucous purrs though.”

“Those aren’t purrs silly cat, they are snoring. My goodness will you listen to Mewreen,” said Lamont.

And so the night went until all agreed the human servants hand slept enough, if fitfully with many jumps by cats in and out of the huge bed. “Let’s get them up!” cried Patch.

“Yeah, will jump all over them until they get up,” said Pawline.

“Yep they’re up,” mewed Patch. “Let’s let the pet us and rub up against their legs and then when they go downstairs we’ll all hide again. There are lots of good hiding places around here.”

“Good idea,” said Lamont. “Right after a trip to the upstairs litter box.”

“Yeah, I like it better than the two downstairs which have a new type of litter I’m not sure about yet.”

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