
Saturday, May 10, 2014


“Head for the hideaways,” Patch meowed loudly, “more invaders are coming in.”

“Not again,” groaned Paw. “Didn’t we just get rid of a bunch of those from the human servants family?

“Yes,” commented Lamont. “Mewreen’s daughter Ann, her son J and his wife Laurie, the mad-cap garage salers were all just here for the 100 miles garage sale. Talk about a dumb human idea; 100 miles of people selling their junk to other people who collect that junk so they can sell the junk again at their own yard sales. People!”

“While it is true they were quite a bother,” added Patch. “After they drank versions of Mint Juleps they seemed to settle down and watch a bunch of horses running around a circle on TV. I thought horses were supposed to be smart. They will never get anywhere if they keep running around in circles.”

“True, but I did like it when Ann gave us supper goodies at breakfast time,” added Lamont. “They were all unusually tall people. I was concerned that after a few mint juleps they might step on us. But they didn’t.”

“But now there is this new huge dude around the house,” said Paw. “I think he is called ‘Let David Do It’, at least that’s what I read on some cards the Meugh gave him.”

“Yeah,” offered Lamont. “He spent a lot of time in our old home in the Schackteau where we used to live. I think he was laying boards down on the floor for some reason. Anyway, Meugh and Mewreen got very excited about it, especially Meugh.”

“And then he went outside,” continued Patch, “and pulled up a bunch of green stuff. Why didn’t he just eat it. All we get to eat in here is those artificial flowers Mewreen puts on the coffee table. Though once you get a taste for them they are not bad. Though Mewreen seems to get excited when we munch on them for some reason.”

“Now Let David Do It is upstairs where we like to wile away the afternoons gazing out the patio window and napping,” said Paw. “He put up some new lights in the human servant’s bedroom. He and Meugh had quite a conversation about weird wiring whatever that means.”

“Yes,” commented Patch, “and now he is taking down some sticks off the ceiling and then putting up sticks that look just like the ones he took down? They do look neater, but what’s with that?”

“And then ever so often a yellow bowl with some stuff on top of it periodically makes and infernal noise,” said Lamont. And, there is a hose attached to it that has a gun attached to it and Let David Do It shoots the boards he is putting up. Weird, very weird. Perhaps he’s a modern gunslinger.

“Oh well, live and let live as I always say,” said Lamont.

“Since when,” said Patch as they all found quiet places to lie down and give themselves and each other good cat baths with their tongues.

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