
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Romney’s 12 Million Jobs Claim

Pretty bold claim huh? Only two presidents have seen more than 12 million jobs created during their administrations – Reagan and Clinton.

Romney says he would create 500,000 a month, however, he would only need half that, 250,000, to reach his claim. We currently add about 150,000 a month.

If we avoid a recession if the year-end budget is not reached, the Congregational Budget Office believes that 9.6 million jobs will be created in the next 4 years, not matter who is president. Moody’s analytics predicts 12 million as well as others.

So my guess is that we Romney’s prediction is most likely to come true, especially if he does not become president and institute even worse trickle down economics.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. I see this as a great boast like just about all candidates make (Obama made several about hundreds of thousands of jobs being created every month, as well). I myself don't see it as likely at all. And it doesn't matter what the CBO says, considering its 'National Enquirer' / Jeane Dixon -like track record at its predictions coming true.
