
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Does anybody really have a clue how to stimulate the economyand Get the Country Productive Again?

Obviously supply side economics doesn’t as it was what caused our modern debacle despite folk like Romney and Ryan still promoting it. Didn’t work under Reagan, Didn’t work under Bush, just doesn’t work.

Obama wants to tax the rich, which is not a bad think as they have stolen the wealth of the country during the supply side economics of the past 30 years. But that just scares folk to death, small business (real small business not those parading around as them.) So, all the fear mongering on both sides of the issue, just keep the economy stagnant.

If we as a country had the guts of the folk in FDRs day and put together a real stimulus plan, ( ours did work just not enough), we could be on our way and the infrastructure and we would benefit.

Economics is about psychology as well as sound economic thinking. Keynesian economics worked because it was a sound policy and folk believed in it. The government does play and tremendously important role in keeping the economy even but now we just have a bunch of government haters on both side of the aisle because it is easier to condemn that to do something.

A key to economic growth includes restoring confidence in the government and reaching out to solve problems rather than just trying to defeat each other. It means get special interests and the millions of dollars out of the electoral process so the people can be heard. It means folk need to be educated in basic economic and civics. It means learning how to develop trust and cooperation among people.

The America people seem to have become totally schizophrenic. We are a wonderful people who are capable of wonderful things. And, we are total self-centered ignorant butt-heads who deserve the leadership we have. I love my country and hate what it is doing. The hairs stand up on my back of my head when the national anthem is play and I am embarrassed by national and local political conversations. I think than Romney, Ryan, Obama, and Biden and good and honorable men who sincerely believe they can help the country the best. Romney and Ryan scare the hell out of me because I think they could literally destroy the country beyond repair. Obama disappoints me because he just can’t get the job done and misses golden opportunities; perhaps it can’t be done. Both sides are far too friendly with the money/power brokers who have too much control over all branches of government.

Can I fix it? No, but I’ll keep writing blogs and hoping and civil conversation will develop and we can get back on track and live the dreams and visions of our countries creators as well as the dreams and visions of broad based thinkers today.


  1. IMO, the economy began to skew in 1973 and the reasons seem
    quite clear . I haven't read the Hedrick Smith
    book yet, but it would seem to concur. The cure?
    ...good question. As long as we worship the businessman rather than the producers, consumers, teachers and thinkers..we will continue to get what we deserve.

    1. Ah, most excellent links. But now I have to buy another book ~ looks great. I agree with the remedy issue problem.
