
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Taxes Should Increase

Can someone explain to me why is there is incredible inflexibility upon the part of Republicans to talk about any tax increases for the wealthy? They have consistently said they will not consider any plan that has any tax increases. The President has only proposed taxes on those who have household incomes over $250,000 or individuals over $200,000. I’m quite sure that all Republicans are not making that much money, so what’s the complaint. Progressive taxes have been the basis of taxes since we started taking taxes. And then we have these whacky governors, like as ours, who give more tax cuts to the wealthy and then cry budget crisis as a means of getting rid of collective bargaining.

 Plus we have had over three decades of government deregulation of business; hasn’t anyone connected that process with all the problems with Wall Street and the Banks (among others) at the end of the Bush era? And, has anyone looked at who bears the brunt of the government reductions being proposed? It’s the poorer folk again, the same ones who have been subsidizing the rich in subsidizing legislation on all levels of government.

Finally, there is the mantra about big government causing all our problems. We need sufficient government to again regulate an out of control market. It takes people to do that. Especially we do not need governmental regulators being seduced by the very businesses they are supposed to regulate.

Let me say it again, the rich, the ultra rich have bought the government and until we get the laws on campaign funding under control they will continue to control it.

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