If it does you are probably a Republican.
The amygdala is an almond shaped dohicky deep in the brain that gets all
excited and active during times of fear and anxiety. In contrast the anterior cingulate cortex is that
part of the brain that helps one deal with fear and anxiety and complexity. Isn’t
this exciting?
The University College London just
completed a study of students using MRI’s to study those parts of the brain.
The found that conservative students had a big amygdala and liberal students
had more gray matter in the anterior cingulate cortex. Harvard and UCLA San Diego have done similar studies with the same findings.
So are you innately wired to be conservative
or liberal at birth or were their childhood experiences that stimulated these
parts of the brain to make you liberal or conservative?
Liberals are defined here as folk who like
change and challenge and conservatives or those who resist change.
Conservatives are big on defense because they worry about folk out to hurt us –
scary terrorists abound. Liberals tend to be more intellectual and
conservatives more anti-intellectual thus differing views on education and the
So, this helps clarify why conservatives
and liberals have such difficulty conversing with each other; they come from
significantly different mindsets.
I find this very interesting though I haven’t
a clue as to what to do with it. But knowledge is always helpful. When I was pasturing
I would give a mini Meyers-Briggs test to the church board to see how they differed
so we would understand each other better and realize that we need each other
for more complete views of the world and how to be productive as a church in
society. This seems to fall within the same purview.
Thanks BBIdaho for finding this most
interesting information.
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