
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Action

It’s over at last. The presidential/congressional races are over, at least for awhile and I am sure most of us are heaving a great sigh of relief. But the problems and issues of the national remain. And I believe we need to encourage more political activism than ever before.

I note with dismay that congressional representatives will only accept email from members of their own district. If the will of the people are to be heard it seems we should be able to contact all our representatives. We need to continue to study issues and make our feelings known to all members of congress.

If we want unity and compromise we must write and exhort our representatives to work together for the common good not just special interests. Big money can obviously contact as many congressional leaders as they please; we the people need to be able to do the same. We also need to be specific in our requests not just post ideological harangues which will likely be ignored anyway.

I don’t care where you stand on issues your views need to be made know to our representatives (though I wish the hate mongers would just shut up as they don’t help.)

If any of you know of a way around the block to contacting all representatives please let me know; publish it on Facebook and let’s be a generation  with a truly populous movement. We need to nudge, push, shove our public servants to work together for our interests not just the special interests that can lobby and fund them.

In the day in age there should be an easy way to make more voices more prominent to our representatives.

Any ideas? [I’m trying for a more positive approach here.]


  1. It seems that any political interest is a 'special interest' any more. Can't expect much from the Me Generation and and obscene
    amounts of $$.

  2. I am really so pleased with the results of the election. I feel our country is on the path toward a move progressive frame of mind.

  3. I guess I was fine with the idea that they didn't accept email from outside the district. But you have some real good points.
