
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thank Liberals For Saving American

Reflection and more on Alan Colmes book of How Liberals Saved America. Colmes is a Fox News radio host, go figure. He is known for his wit and human and his intellect and he works for FOX news; it fairly boggles the mind. Some thoughts that come forward include the following.

America was founded on a liberal idea – a representative democracy without a state religion. That makes it left of England where the Church of England dictated laws and mores. Freedom of religion was created here to get rid of the oppression of religion.

There are no religious tests to hold office – liberal.
The commander and chief of the army is a civilian – liberal.
Taxation shall have representation – liberal.
A three part government for checks and balances – liberal.
The constitution is based upon English Law dating back to the Magna Carta (1215) not the bible – liberal.
Common law comes from the people night a “higher authority” – liberal.
No titles of nobility, or centralized power vested in one person – liberal.
The Declaration of Independence stated legal and natural rights – liberal.
All people are equal – liberal.
And the list goes on today liberal ideas of social security, Medicare, assistance to the elderly, government safety nets, governmental roles in regulating economic fluctuations, etc.

This is the heritage of liberal thinking and liberals continue to lead the way for the common good and sharing our nations prosperity among all our people.

Colmes shows in his book how liberals define our nation and move it forward. He promotes the idea that we must continue to become ever more liberal, progressive, for us to remain the beacon of freedom and democracy for the world.

For those who are old enough you will recognize the liberal ideas were not solely embodied in the Democratic Party but was also historically integral in the Republican party. Lincoln was a liberal. Look at the medical proposals of Richard Nixon, among many Republican leaders prior to the Reagan era which were more liberal than Obamacare. Liberality, which the extreme right today often uses as a dirty word today, extends beyond party belief. It stands at the foundation of our democracy and continues in programs and legislation that reflect care for all Americans today.


  1. "Liberality, which the extreme right today often uses as a dirty word today, extends beyond party belief."

    You use the term "extreme right" to describe a large mainstream movement, still close to the center, which is not on the extremes at all.

    Yes, liberalism became a "dirty word" because it became synonymous in the US with statism and other situations where our human rights are crushed in the name of more power for those who rule.

  2. dmarks and others might find this simple 10 question quiz to determine where you stand politically. Take it and find out where you stand. As you might guess I came out liberal.

  3. I came out liberal as well, even though I answered a number with a centrist POV. Regarding dmarks definition, I find these to be less biased (from the quiz link)
    Left (Liberal)
    Liberals usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net" to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations, defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles. [nothing about 'crushing
    human rights] ..their definition of conservative seems
    fair as well:
    Right (Conservative)
    Conservatives tend to favor economic freedom, but frequently support laws to restrict personal behavior that violates "traditional values." They oppose excessive government control of business, while endorsing government action to defend morality and the traditional family structure. Conservatives usually support a strong military, oppose bureaucracy and high taxes, favor a free-market economy, and endorse strong law enforcement.
    ..and they note and define 'statists' which seems to better
    fit dmarks definition.
