
Monday, May 14, 2012

War Profiteering tells us that there is a group claiming to be veterans who portray President Obama as a glory hog after Osama bin Laden’s death. Anybody remember Bush’s premature banner of victory aboard ship? Anyway they talk how they manipulate the events to make Obama out to be a bad guy. Here is the link

But what we don’t hear about or gets very little reporting is what was illegal during the world wars* ~ war profiteering. It seems like part of our national heritage but it is a shameful chapter. Just think the name Halliburton and what do you think about?

Here is the list of private companies that make out like bandits during Iraq: 1. CACI, 2. Titan, 3. Bechtel, 4. Aegis Defense, 5. Custer Battles,
6. General Dynamics, 7. Nour USA Ltd., 8, 9, and 10 Chevron, ExxonMobil and the Petro-imperialists.

*Facts on this are a little fuzzy. It took place but I could not find exact laws on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. We need go back aways to when corporations put
    country ahead of profit. Anyone recall that DuPont built Oak Ridge during the Manhattan Project? ...and charged $1 above cost! Now that was patriotic ...
