
Monday, December 26, 2011

Political Thoughts at Sea

While on the briny sea I have also continued reading Mickey Edwards Reclaiming Conservatism which has been absolutely fascinating. It takes me back to my college days when I was fascinated by the beliefs of Barry Goldwater, who is the benchmark of conservatism for Edwards. Thus we agree on a tremendous amount of things. Of course, he sees conservatism as the repository of all things good and liberals as deviants. The overriding criterion of conservatism for Edwards is a strict adherence to the Constitution. Edwards is absolutely incensed over what Reagan through George W. Bush has done in the Republican Party that has led the party in a completely different direction of “true conservatism.” I will limit myself to this brief observation since this is really a Caribbean journey log. Suffice it to say, I see his book as well as Fareed Zakaria (The Post American World) as essential reading to understand conservatism at its best. These along with Barack Obama’s, Audacity of Hope, I see has must reading for informed understanding of today’s political scene (remember Obama’s degree is in constitutional law.) I suppose you could toss in George Will, but he’s such a pompous grump. But at least they get the conservative point of view correctly. Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Glen Beck and others of similar ilk do damage to their party and the cause and have helped splinter in Republican party into hate mongering sloganeers. Tea Party leaders are clueless about their political heritage and just seem to be in it for the money; but not all; they are just ill guided.

It is indeed sad that the majority of politicians are just out to win without regard to conservative or liberal traditions and principals. The congress has abdicated power and initiative to the executive branch. President Obama, who would lead us appropriately as the chief executive is condemned for not over stepping his authority; though he has on occasion. There is no middle rational ground for debate and the population has become illiterate as citizens and their responsibilities as well as how the government is supposed to operate as public servants.

We have degenerated into an Oligarchy where the haves of an out of control free enterprise system have bought the government. To reclaim democracy we will need to radically change the electoral process and put in place regulations that protect the Republic rather than allow it to be sold to the few. Our materialism threatens to bring on our own destruction. 

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