
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Koch Brothers Secret Seminar

This one will blow your mind. Check out, or, or over the next couple of days and check out the gathering of the super rich in our country and their strategy to control the coming election. See link at the bottom of this piece.

The article is written by Brad Friedman and reports on a seminar the billionaire Koch brothers (worth an estimated 22 billion apiece by Forbes.) they own the second largest private oil corporation and chemical conglomerate. Friedman obtained tapes of this event and is sharing with the nation. It is an amazing read. Besides all the millionaires and billionaires in attendance Gov. Rich Perry. TX, Gov Bob McDonnell, VA, and Gov Rick Scott, FL were there. Charles Koch in his opening remarks alludes to President Obama  as “Saddam Hussein” and then lists by name partners who donated more than a $million  to their causes in the past year. Not recorded because of loopholes. He also said the 2012 elections will be the mother of all wars.  Lead Speaker Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News was the major speaker the first night.

I can’t wait to find out who was the major speaker for the second night of this super secret event. These meetings are apparently held twice a year at secret times and places.

1 comment:

  1. So not surprised. This is the permanent 'New Normal' after the disastrous Citizens United ruling, arguably the single court case that has potentially done more permanent damage to freedom and democracy than any other event since the Revolution. The next few election cycles will be the ultimate test of whether free elections can actually survive such concentrated power being brought to bear.
