
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cultural Myopia

(This is really in response the PK's previous entry.)

Amen and halleluiah brother Paul. Dead on as usual. I do not believe in the veneration of the past, though they do teach us and that is important. The founding fathers did find compromise in spite of the differences and a few duels. I think it was good they still didn’t agree on what the meaning of the general welfare, as it allowed for growth on constitutional thinking. But they also had the advantage of a largely disenfranchised uninterested general population. But they were thinkers. The Federalist Papers are fascinating as they were think pieces. Today’s media mainly reports the activities on anti or non thinkers.

I often hearken back to the days of my youth, the Eisenhower, Kennedy era; times of growth and with Kennedy's new vision and verve. But I also hated those times because they were oppressive in terms in everyone had to be the same. We went to church because everyone went to church and if you didn’t folk would not likely use your business; there were social mandates galore which made no sense. But now we have anomie, whereas now folk have their mental motor governors completely removed and feel no responsibility to anyone. Me, me, me all the way home.

What we can see and learn is that Keynesian, demand-side economics works and supply side economics doesn’t work. Unfortunately it seems the general population has no clue as to what that means. It should be clear that our quality of life has lessened, but there are enough folk, voter types, where that is not their reality. They let outdated ideological ideas interfere with common sense and real study of the issues.

I would hope that the MoveOn organization or some progressive group, could help be a vehicle to respond to the irrationality of the Tea Party and the like. But I do not see the media giving them any coverage at all.

Can the country unite on anything rational? I don't know. We have had our possibilities, following 9/11 when we could focus our anger elsewhere, and after the election of President Obama and the world saw hope for us. Now???

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