
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Whoever Wins the Presidential Election Likely Loses

I remember thinking when Barrack Obama won the 2008 election that he stood very little chance of having a successful presidency. The country was in a complete mess domestically and on the foreign front. Despite a supposed majority of support in congress there were enough Blue Dog Democrats and intractable Republicans that it would be very hard for him to make an impact. Then in the 2010 election put him in a worse position with congressional leaders elected with the sole purpose of getting rid of him and to undo the good he had done. During the Clinton years we talked about gridlock; talk about the good old days. Now check out the use of the filibuster during the Obama years; 400 times it was used; perhaps a record that will never be broken. Compromise between the parties is only a memory for those old enough to remember it.

And now we have gone through the most expensive and vitriolic campaign most of us have ever seen and perhaps the worst ever. Some have compared it to the Civil War.

No matter who wins, and the way it looks we might not even know that for months, they will be in for a hard time of it. If Obama wins the same tactics will remain as were used during his first term and his hair will get greyer and greyer. If Romney wins, he has set policies that are doomed for destruction; his budget plan while not revealed is a mystery that folk will not like the end of. You can’t promise folk everything and expect them to be happy when those promises mutate and are unfulfilled. If the Ryan plan is adopted chaos will likely ensue ~ the numbers just can’t work. Will the Democrats be as combative and intractable as the Republicans under Obama? I would like not to think so, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

So, whoever wins the election good luck, you are going to need it. And as for the support of your electors, good luck there too, as they will continue to feel cut out of the process as ever.

Whoever wins, you may have some good news to begin with as the economy is coming around. Mitt’s promise of a 120 million new jobs will happen no matter who is elected; it is in the cards unless we jump over the budget cliff which is possible.

And as for an intelligent informed populace, the media will continue to sell bad news and folk will eat it up, and complain and not work to be informed citizens.

There may be a short honeymoon period but don’t count on it being very long. The major issues still remain and lines have been drawn in the sand that may have turned into concrete. Needed election reform has little chance of taking place unless we develop a strong populus movement but we are likely too complacent for that to happen. The rich will remain rich and the poor poor and the middle class will likely continue to shrink as the ultra rich pull their puppet’s strings.

Aside from that I’m really hopeful. God is in her heaven and while the weather report here from earth may be cloudy and cold, there will be a spring sometime somewhere.

The real good news is that we will get some respite from all those rotten miserable, negative, annoying, irksome, ... political ads. Sigh!

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