
Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Economic Suggestion Mr. President

When I was studying economics back in the dark ages (which seem enlightened to today’s economic pundits) when Keynesian (supply side) were understood, we didn’t have all this palaver about the debt. One of the functions of government we understood was to stimulate the economy with government spending during recessive times and to rein in the economy (decrease government spending) during recessive times all with corresponding increases and decreases in the interest rates of the FED. That understanding seems to have gotten lost today or perhaps people just don’t get it.

Debt has become a red herring. The importance of debt is its relationship to the overall economy. And when the economy is in a recession let the debt rise so the economy can expand. When economies are robust the debt rate ratio is less, when economies are sluggish the debt rate becomes an additional drag. We don’t want to follow several of the Europeans countries down that path of decreasing the national debt during recessions. That just makes the problem worse.

Let us hope that Obama can get the congress to okay the continuing tax cuts for those making less the a quarter a million and raise it on rich folk for long term debt reduction, but keep middle class spending vital so the economy can grow. Or, let’s not fall over the fiscal cliff.

Real work has to be done to decrease the widening margins of wealth between the haves and the have-nots not just because it is fair, it is also good economics. I’d suggest to President Obama that he hire Mitt Romney (give him a cabinet position or something) to work across party lines on plugging those loopholes Romney campaigned about but never specified. It seems to me that if he did this, his win, while not a mandate, would have more clout in fixing the economy and give increased confidence to invest and hire in businesses.

Hmm, I wonder if the president follows my blog?


  1. I thought the same thing- include Romney in a key role. There are times when the good of the country transcends politics.

  2. Seems like a good idea... Such a bridge could be easily crossed. After all, Obama made peace with Biden (who had said that all African-American leaders were dirty except for Obama).

    Raises a side point of mine, of a disappointment with Romney. I get the impression he hasn't done anything for four years. Whether this is a failure of his, or of his campaign getting out a message, I don't know.

    1. dmarks, you need to backup your statement the Biden said what you claim he said that all African-Americans are dirty except for Obama. I can find no such refrence.

      As for Romney he has been running for president for seven years.

  3. This was quite famous. From 2007. He said "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy"

    Well, not only did he say that the other African Americans were dirty, he is also saying they are ugly and dull. I am surprised you never heard of what is at best an empty-skull gaffe and at worst a racist smear. My source for this one reference is CNN, but this is profusely documented everywhere.

    Biden, who apparently had surrounded himself with filthy, dull, and ugly African-Americans, needed to get out more. I've almost always lived in areas as white as Fountain City, but even then I have met so many clean and bright African-Americans, and my reading of history finds so many as well in the history books and in modern leadership positions as well.. I can't imagine ever thinking or saying what Biden did.

    His statement shows complete ignorance of Dr. King, one of the most articulate men in American history.... who was always well-groomed and well-dressed. Smart as a whip, too. And African American, imagine that. Perhaps Biden was one of those white people, and I've met some, who think blacks are all ugly and call them horrible things like gorillas/monkeys.

    This brings up the point that Biden's outrageous statement came during the month with Dr. King's birthday celebration, and just before Black History Month.

    A month that Biden in his statement claims honors a bunch of filthy hideous dullards.

    As for Romney, running for President makes one a professional politician much more than it makes them a successful businessman. Romney would have made a better case that he were a good leader if he hadn't loafed for 4 years. He should have done something, business-wise, or like the Olympic project.

    1. Thanks for clearing up the quote because when I Googled what you said, nothing came up. Of course, what you said is not what he said. Given Biden opens up his mouth in strange ways fairly consistently, the spin and interpretation you add to it is misleading which you continue to use in your response. Was conclusion leaping an Olympic sport? To paint Biden as racist is absurd.

  4. It is what he said. When someone says that only one person in a group is clean, he is also saying that the others are dirty. My paraphrase is dead-on.

    How is one thing I said misleading?

    "To paint Biden as racist is absurd."

    He made a very racist statement. He was very racist at least in this instance. If anything is 'absurd' or misleading, it is spinning his racist statement to mean anything other than that he thinks that almost all blacks are dirty, dull, and inarticulate. At least at the time he said this. If you have an alternate take on his statement, I welcome it. I find it hard to imagine anything that isn't real bad and racist. That's a rather outrageous statement he made.
