
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So Who Won in Wisconsin Elections?

For the first time when given the choice I used a paper ballot at the recent recall elections here in Wisconsin rather than using the computer voting machine. Now I like tecky stuff, but reports of the unreliability of these machines have been widely reported for some time now, so I opted for the old paper ballot. It turns out my fears were justified along with other irregularies in the vote results.

Now it seems we have more problems with security of the ballots between the polling places and other counting stations. It turns out ballot bags were not counted, some were opened and then resealed, ballots were found torn, serial numbers scratched out or changed and the like. It lead Caledonia Patch quoting Republican attorney Jonathan Strasburg to conclude, “This is the worst ballot security I’ve seen in 20 years.” He apparently forgot the problems of last year.

We have a civic duty to vote, we also have the right to expect our votes will be counted correctly.

For a full accounting go the Brad’s blog.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me think of the Florida 2000 vote count. Where the first vote count, the machine one, was the most accurate one. For one, it was by machine. For another, during the later counts, the 'counters' were in effect voting themselves, many times, by punching out the chads which ended up littering the floor.
