
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Information and Misinformation

Well the presidential campaign is on its way and the target states are already being bombarded with information and misinformation (with the emphasis on the later). So I thought I’d just take some time to wade through some the claims from the fact checking resources I use to see if I can help clarify what is being said.

First, these from Truth-O-Meter. There is a bit on Facebook that say “75% of the Obamacare tax falls on the middle class.” This is rated just plain false. Their summary: The Facebook post said that "75 percent of the Obamacare tax falls on the middle class." While it’s true that 75 to 80 percent of the households paying the individual mandate penalty might be described as "middle class," those households will only foot 45 percent of the bill -- a big difference. In addition, the Facebook post is worded vaguely enough to suggest that 75 percent of all the taxes in the health care bill will fall on the middle class. And that would be wrong. We rate the statement False.

Next, Mitt Romney says “Obamacare put the federal government between you and your doctor.” This is also rated false. Their ruling: For three years, Republicans have insisted that the health care reform bill amounts to a government takeover of health care. Romney’s statement that the law puts government between you and your doctor is another iteration of that claim.

The law does aim to improve the quality and efficiency of care. At some level, that would change what doctors do. Physicians are wary of change, and the way the law will work is complex. But we found no hard evidence to support the claim that doctors would be forced to make bad decisions. In contrast, we found many provisions that support an open process geared toward providing better care.

Primary care doctors seem most inclined to support the law, as do a large number of physician professional associations.

Support for the law is weaker among specialists, who are more likely to question what it means for their compensation and more likely to face scrutiny for using high-cost tests and procedures. But that doesn’t mean the government is placing itself between doctors and patients. The law is complex, but it leaves intact the private sector delivery of health care.

Overall, we found some concerns that government influence over the private insurance market will dictate doctor behavior. But statements like Romney’s overstate the level of government control in the law and ignore state flexibility in setting insurance standards.

Romney’s campaign offered no evidence to back up this claim. We rule this statement False.

Third, Nancy Pelosi says, “everybody will have lower rates, better quality care and better access.” False. Their ruling: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said "Everybody will have lower rates, better quality and better access."

But even the study that Pelosi’s staff cited as the source of that statement suggested that some people would pay more for health insurance. Analysis at the state level found the same thing.

The general understanding of the word "everybody" is every person. The predictions don’t back that up. We rule this statement False.

  Now for They say in relation to the new Republican budget blueprint. You need to know this.  Republicans in Congress unveiled their vision for America today – and if they succeed, the 99% of us are condemned to live like serfs. 
I suggest you read their total story.

This from the UK Financial Times. Bob Diamond the executive who resigned from CEO of Barclays after the Libor scandal will be receiving a £2m pay-off. I don’t know what that amounts to in dollars, but shouldn’t he be paying fines and going to jail instead of getting a bonus?

Now from one of my new favorites Robert Reich who was the Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. He says the media is reporting that Obama is proposing a tax increase on wealthy American and that is misleading. The continuation of the Bush cut on the first $250,000 is a tax cut for everyone. Everyone gets it. Further the claim that his proposal that it would hurt “tens of thousands of job creating businesses” is baloney. Small business bay the old Bush rate on the first $250,000 and the old Clinton rate on the rest. Only 3% of small business reach the $250,000 mark. Also conservatives claim the Obama proposal will “increase uncertainty and further retard investment and job creation.” Reich says the real reason businesses are not creating more jobs is that American consumers whose purchases are 70% of the U.S. economic activity don’t have the buy to more and can’t borrow as before. Executive pay keeps rising and  median wages keep dropping mainly because businesses hire less and fire more. He says it is corporate and billionaire money behind these lies.

An addition.

PolitiFact reports Democrats claiming Mitt has a corporation in Bermuda but failed disclose it on seven different tax returns. They conclude this charge is true. Their ruling: 

Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs said Romney owns a Bermuda-based corporation and that he failed to disclose his ownership seven times.

The documentary evidence indicates Gibbs is right that Romney owned it when he filed his estimated tax return in December and that he did not disclose it earlier. The Romney campaign has not said the statements are wrong.

We rate Gibbs claim True.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that the middle class share of the "obamacare" burden was so high. Wow.
