
Monday, January 9, 2012

Do You Know Carl Forti?

Perhaps you know Carol Rove better, now think of Carol Rove on steroids. Forti is a money guy for the Republicans, more specifically a super-PAC dude, more specifically yet, a worker bee for the ultra rich. Or, he’s an expert on how to raise money to fight your opponent by skirting elections laws. Forti ran a 82 million independent campaign in 2006, the largest at that time. He founded, get this, the Black Rock Group, what a moniker for this group. Together with other groups with which he is linked they spent $39 million during the midterm election period.

As for the future they plan to spend $240 million in the 2012 races to bash Obama and other Democrats; that’s a lot of scratch. Currently, his has given Mitt Romney $12 million during the first half of last year. They work to counter union groups and the (another organization you should be aware of; and one I support.)

Forti’s forte is getting around election campaign rules, and he is very effective at it. Ah just don’t you love loophole pundits?

I’m getting my information on this from Any Kroll of Mother Jones. Forti, when contacted by Kroll said, “I’ve always tried to stay behind the scenes and I intend to keep it that way.”

We should know about him and others like the Koch brothers who work behind the scenes to mold the country to a minorities (the rich) way of thinking. is much more up front.

Just so you know.

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