
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wanna go ride bikes? I have ADHD

Let's talk about Doctors. For years and years I have been diagnosed with a sort of mild depression. I've been put on different anti-depressants to see if they work, well these things take 9-12 months. And none of them made the changes that I needed. I remember Diane (Dr. Wendland) telling me right before I left for college, you might have a touch of ADD but we aren't going to treat it yet. Well life goes on, and time goes by....and the symptoms pile upon one anthoer and denial sinks in deeper and deeper.

I don't know that I've lived with anything this long. Aparently I've always had it, it just shows it's ugly face randomly. Today I was diagnosed with Adult ADHD... I know what you are thinking, SHOCKING!?!?! Laying it on pretty thick...

So for years, I've been going 100 miles an hour - starting at 4:30 a.m. and going twenty-four hours a day. So I've decided... and i hope that it's supported by all, an entry with the recovery and support? or the changes, that are about to happen.

I was prescribed Aderol. I had to give blood, DNA, my first born (they don't want Maude) and my title to my car to get the stuff and I had no idea. Aderol is a stimulant- like crack. Aparently it works by stimulating the brain to 200 miles per hour so that you can function at 75 miles an hour - if your regular speed is 100 mph. Does that make sense? It didn't to me either, but I am game. This is a street drug, which I didn't really know. I can not have it on me without the prescription, my identification and the bottle it came in. Amazingly enough I have all of those things and the Pharmacist made me repeat everything he said, right back to him - to make sure I understood. Possibly because it's law, probably because I have ADHD.

I am not really shocked. I have always known I was a little different. I am just interested to see what it can help me do, or how it will help me function. Currently my work is stressful.

I work at Anthem College, we are a national chain of colleges. We work with students who no one in their family has EVER gone to college, are a non-traditional studnet or just want a different type of curriculum to gain a diploma or Associates degree in Medical Assisting, Massage Therapy, Surgical Technologist or Medical Billing and Coding.

The type of students i work with have usually failed at something before. Whether it be a failed marriage, kiddos at 14, never held a job more than 10 days... you name it, I've seen it. So today was essentially the worst day in the history of what I do. Three of my students who were starting school, got incarcerated.

My students start school, on a Monday. Let's say it's this past Monday May 2nd. They go to school for six days, after having done a one day remidial class and Orientation - and on the 7th day, they go Official. What that means is that we do not charge them any tuition until the 7th day. Nor do they become a burden on Federal Title IV dollars - until then. We take the risks... we issue books, uniforms... and all the other things that go along with College prior to this.

My budget, was 27 students for this start. I have a team of 6 (being narrowed to 4 tomorrow, I'll talk about that in a minute) who each have a budget or minimum standard of 10 for each start and we start once a month. We should have 60 students... we have 13. YIKES! We had two students who went out together after class last night, and were incarcerated. They had previous rap sheets...and they have landed themselves in jail for a bit longer than it would have taken them to complete their Associates degree. The other one, I am not sure what happened - but she chose jail over education.

So, we haven't been meeting budgets because our students aren't keeping up their end of the deal. So I have the displeasure of laying off two people from my team. This is a wretched feeling. The two that I have to lay off are the bottom of the totem pole, however it doesn't make it any easier. Friday morning... boo.

Anyhow... so here's my update, for today. I can not take the meds until tomorrow morning, but I am told and the research I've done on it, it's going to be a zippy day. Had I taken them this afternoon when prescribed, I'd be up for 9 hours- minimum.

So I am going to say farewell for the time being... but I'll let you know how tomorrow goes and we'll see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! What a day! What knowledge.
    Your Mom, Uncle J and Aunt Laurie are with us today for the 100 mile garage sale,we did the whole bloody 100 miles. I just wrote this before but don't think it got post right. Anyways, much much love, Hugh
