“Okay, it’s official, I’m a house cat!” announced Lamont.
Lamont Helping Doreen play canasta
“Not me,” replied Paw, “we may be in the house now, but I’m still a
Shackteau cat a haert. This place is too big, but I do like the orange chair.”
“I like the house, but then, I still yearn for the Shackteau,”
injected Patch. “It was cozier and it had a fireplace.”
“There’s a fireplace in the kitchen in the house,” informed Lamont.
“Yeah, but it’s electric. Fakey fakey, even if it does produce
warmth. I prefer the real thing,” replied Paw.
“But we have two floors here in which to play,” Lamont went on
enthusiastically. “The views are spectacular. There are all types of places to
climb up. Why, I can even get up to the crown molding and inspect the lights
behind it.”
Upstairs dining area with deck
“Yeah! Mewreen really likes that,” said Patch sarcastically.
“You’re bound to break something someday and they we will all be in deep dodo.”
“Though I prefer the Shackteau, I do admit I like looking at over
the backyard,” said Paw. “But I wish we had access to the patio by our food
dishes. Maybe in the spring they will let us out.”
“You girls haven’t really appreciated all the new toys and
scratching poles, the human servants provided when we moved it,” said Lamont.
“They’re a blast. I also like climbing into bed with the human servants. Though
I’m not sure Meugh like it when I accidently clawed him in his butt.”
“Accidently? I wonder,” said Patch. “But I’ve found a marvelous new
sleeping place amidst the clothes they have they have stacked in the bedroom. I
did have to kick out a few of their sweaters and things to make room for me,
but it is really cozy.”
Can you find Elmo or rather Patch?
“Yep! I used to be a feral living by the skin of our teeth outside
in the cold, then we were denizens of the Shackteau, but now I’m a bona fide
house cat,” said Lamont.
“We’ll see.” Said Patch and Paw. “We’ll see. At least we still have
our toes which we thought we might lose when we went into the house.”