
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gandhi’s Rules for Changing the World

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems. --Mahatma Gandhi

It is easy for us to bring up all the evil’s that exist in the world and how callous we seem to have become in dealing with these issues. More so, most of us just throw up our hands saying, “What can we do about it. Or, as I mentioned in the last article, how do we go about feeding, caring, nurturing those in need including ourselves.

One role model we could easily follow is that of Mahatmas Gandhi to gave us 10 rules for changing the world according to Henrik Edberg in his positivity blog.

He proceeds these favorite rules with these quotes:

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
“The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problem.”
“If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.”

First, change yourself. Consider the world you want to see and then modify your behavior to make your part of the world more like that. It is easy to find enemies and to blame others. But we have the ability to see problems and solve them. Baby steps.

Second, you are in control. Part of what I liked about Albert Ellis’ psychological outlook was that no has the power to hurt you unless you give them permission to do so. Gandhi saw that as well. We give into to other’s negative views of ourselves rather than accept insults. Some things are indeed hurtful, but you can choose your reactions to that negativity.

Third, forgive and let it go. Again his quotes: The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
Psychologists also call this “stuck scripts. We can replay old hurts in our minds over and over again, but it does do any good, in fact, it does the opposite. It is hard to do but it is possible. If somebody really gets your goat, pray for them on a regular basis. This heals from two directions.

Fourth, without action you aren’t going anywhere. As a preacher I get a bit tired of the old adage, that Gandhi used as well, “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” Preaching is doing something, it is the attempt to help other change and encourage the folk to have happier more fulfilling lives. But practice is the proof of the pudding, as they way.

Fifth, take care of this moment. Gandhi gets existential here which is a good idea. Be in the present, dwelling in the past is unproductive except for lessons learned and proposing endless future scenarios doesn’t get anything done. Planning is good but doing it right now is productive.

Sixth, everyone is human. It is amazing how we demonize each other. Everyone has their fault and everyone has their gifts to give for the common good. That is one reason why I like group process and trust it more. We provide balance for each other.

Seventh, persist. Quitting is not a possibility in life. You can’t stop the world and get off, it won’t work. Gandhi was amazing in his persistence of non-violent process, more amazing is all those folk who were just as persistent as he in gaining their countries freedom but just keeping at it.

Eighth, see the good in people and help them. Effective argument is agreeing with folk as much as possible. If you do, then will be more open to your viewpoints as well. Praise goes a long way.

Ninth, be congruent, be authentic, be truth to yourself. The great questions everyone needs to ask themselves for a productive life are: who am I? where am I going? And, Is it important. When we continually focus on these key concepts our lives are filled with harmony.

Tenth, continue to grow and evolve. Some folk seem to find it possible just to plod through life. Boring! Learn something every day, or why not learn 10 or 100 things every day. Use it or lose it as the saying goes.

Can we change the world? Of course, in fact, it is impossible not to change the world. But like Gandhi we have it within us with assist from others to make the world much better.

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