
Friday, August 9, 2013

Tax Codes from a Cat’s Point of View

Our cats have discovered that there are abundance of computers in their cat house (a.k.a. The Shackteau/my office.) Since they are young, they are fearless about using these catputers, as they call them. Recently they have been studying the human tax codes in our country.

Pawline purred, “You know, the tax codes are uncommonly complicated. I quite surprised that the furless one can figure them out much less understand them.”

Patchtricia replied, “Yes, they are, but you made an incorrect assumption there.”

Pawline querried, “And what was that pray tell wee sister?”

Patchtricia confidently meowed, “You assume they understand their system. I don’t believe they do. Reading their comments on the tax codes it is quite clear they do not have a clue as to how they work.”

The lofty (meaning he was laying atop the cat scratching tower) Lamont they added, “That is true. The system is very, in fact, overly complicated and beyond the furless ones limited comprehension. But my studies have revealed out they think about it in their limited way.”

Pawline and Patchtria in 2 part harmony the asked, “Oh wise and venerable Lamont, what have you discerned?” This said with a certain amount of cat sarcasm.

Stretching and arching his back, the eloquent Lamont pronounced,
“Sisters, it is really quite simple. In theory the Democratic furless ones promote taxes they see as going toward the common good and providing safety nets for all in society. The Republican furless critters on the other hand want to avoid all taxes that might eat into the profits of the wealthy furless, regardless of whether they are wealthy or not. But to be clear, at present both the Republican and Democratic furless community have aligned themselves with the wealthy and the powerful in their society whether they know they have or not. They are easily manipulated.”

“How very interesting and astute brother Lamont,” chimed in Patchtricia and Pawline. But it seems to us you still overrate the thinking of the furless ones.”

Pawline continued, “Take their new idea of the ‘use tax’ that they are considering applying to goods purchased over the Internet. It seems fairly obvious to this feline, that these are rightful taxes that the states from which they are purchased right have the right for these taxes. That seems simple and fair. And yet, the Republican furless also oppose these taxes.”

Patchtricia, the wee but insightful sister then said, “Ah, my siblings. You are making this far too complicated. It is simple, the Democratic furless have an affinity for taxes, especially if it comes from others than themselves, say the wealthy, though they are quite inconsistent in their stands. The Republican furless take a much simpler approach, which why it has carried the day. If a bill has the word tax in it, they just vote against it.

“Ah,” purred Lamont upon his lofty perch, “You speak with the prophetic voice found in their movie Dumb and Dumber. It should probably be their national anthem rather than that screechy thing they attempt to sing at those events where the obese furless watch the abnormally built furless play games.”

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