
Friday, August 2, 2013

Lamont Catstle

Doreen thinks that the cats in the Schackteau need continuous human interaction. One night she left on public radio, the TV and all the lights. Who knows what the neighbors think is going on over here. The combination of listening to PBR and TV at the same time may be intellectually stimulating them and dumbing them down. We’ll see.

The other night Doreen left the TV on TNT rather than the Animal Channel, which was running a marathon of Castle episodes. When I came in the following morning I found Lamont sauntering about the Schackteau, stopping occasionally, and saying to his sisters and eventually to me, “Me ow, meow, m e o w, me ow?” Now it is difficult to translate Catonese, but becoming an expert I eventually figured out the English equivalent of “Me ow, meow, m e o w, me ow?” Here is the translation, “I really am ruggedly handsome, aren’t I?”

For those of you who do not watch the TV show Castle or saw a particular episode or watched certain Castle commercials, this will make no sense to you. For those who do and have, you will know what I mean.

However, to the uninformed please and watch this, just click on thislink, or enter this URL

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1 comment:

  1. I just received a email notice from Abercrombe and Fitch that my order for a cat sized bullet proof vest with the words "writer" on the back order had been received and I should receive it within three weeks. I think Lamont has been on the keyboard again.
