
Thursday, February 4, 2021


While I am happy, even joyous, that Biden won the presidency and celebrated the inauguration that had such a civil and positive feel to it, the cynic in me considers the Biden/Harris a marginal victory for the values I hold dear. It remains true according to the Associated Press 74,223,744 of our citizens voted for Trump. Forty-six percent of us supported this man who by my estimation personifies racism, sexism, xenophobia, gender discrimination, destruction for nature resources for quick profits, denigration of the LGBTQ communities, authoritarianism and violence. So why did nearly 75 million folk vote for this man who seems so odious to my Judeo-Christian value system or any major religious teaching? These supporters include family members, friends, colleagues and folk I hold dear and love. How did that happen?

This is a big question and simple answers obviously won’t answer them. But I do wish to pursue the matter as best I can and do what I do; think, rumminate and write. So, I am starting a series of articles, at least 5 at this point, to try and understand this phenomenon. So far the articles include: a)hard liners that will vote the party of their choice come hell or high water, b)those who believe in authoritarianism, “carry and big stick and a bigger voice, c) educational changes taking place in the country that place less emphasis on civic education and critical thinking versus data and pragmatic business training, d)Media; a great shift from 3 major networks who had news departments that were public service arms of a networks, to a multitude of media form and outlets which focuses more on selling news and ideological propaganda than factual news, e) and finally, legitimate anger at a society while it has continued to grow economically, more and more of that wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer people at the expense of the middle and lower classes or, the rise of oligarchy and/or plutocracy in our society. Oops, I just added a 6th article; it is more of a sub point of (d); CNP, the unholy alliance between the religious right, big money, and other selfish dudes.

I will be putting leaders for these stories on Facebook but also I will be reactivating my blog so the sequence and availability will have a more permanent place. You may find my blog and a lot of previous articles at:   I’ll warn you in advance there is a lot of stuff on it, including chapters from my eBook, Cattails for a laugh or two. (Found on Amazon Kindle books for the lowest price I was allowed to put on it.)

Since my retirement I have consistently questioned what God is calling me to do in the part of my life. The most consistent piece has been writing. Since, writing my books: Aids to the Psalms (A, B,C) at CSS publishing, in lieu of going for a doctorate in ministry program that shut down a week before it was to begin; I have made research and writing a part of  my daily regime, well usually.

I invite you to follow along in this current journey. If nothing else than to see if I can follow through with it. Or you can be part of the large majority who thinks, “Who cares what this jerk thinks.” For those who do follow and read and I can guareentee you that I will make my ussual multittiude of tpyos, missspelling, pronunctuation goodies and general grammatikkle errorors to find fault with. Even spell check generally gives up and just freezes my computer.

Meanwhile, I’m raising a glass of chardonnay to the Biden and Harris and hope. Is 10 am too early for that?

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